Print Assessment & Optimization

Understand & Control Your Company’s Printing Practices

At RCM Technology Group, we know that getting the most from your printers requires extensive knowledge and careful planning. Our Print Assessment and Optimization solution gives you just that.

RCM Technology Group Print Assessment

RCM Technology Group’s Print Assessment begins with a physical audit of your print environment, which includes a detailed walkthrough, as well as the installation of monitoring software that gives you valuable insights into your usage and processes.

We then conduct an in-depth analysis of your usage data alongside device distribution to determine an optimized configuration to minimize both hardware footprint and enhance inventory management.

What is Print Optimization?

After we’ve assessed your current fleet and practices, we can help you take steps to fine-tune them. We call this process Print Optimization. Depending on your needs and challenges, it could include:


Sometimes, increasing productivity is just a question of putting devices where they’ll be of most use. RCM Technology Group’s team of experts can help you determine how to deploy printers throughout your workplace. You’ll avoid under- and over-utilization and ensure that your equipment is used properly.


Why have two or three devices in your workplace when one will do? RCM Technology Group can point out opportunities for consolidating your devices, allowing you to cut down on supply and energy costs. You’ll reduce the time and expenses to go toward maintaining your equipment too.


To ensure continuous productivity, RCM Technology Group’s team can monitor your systems remotely. When we notice that you’re running low on toner, we can send new cartridges to you right away. We can also spot issues and address them before they can harm your productivity. This can not only save you time and money but always keep your business running efficiently as possible. 

More on Next Gen Managed Solutions

RCM Technology Group’s can also help you with:

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