Digital & Physical Document Solutions in Burr Ridge

Improve Your Printing, Security, & Storage Processes with our Document Solutions

RCM Technology Group offers a selection of advanced Document Solutions to help clients manage their office equipment and information better. Our solutions allow you to:

  • Maximize the productivity of your office’s printers
  • Transition from paper documents to digital files effortlessly
  • Improve your important workflows
  • Keep your sensitive information safe from online threats and disasters

For details on our specific solutions, check out these sections of our website:


RCM Technology Group’s Next Gen Managed Solutions give you the power to optimize your workflows and printer fleet. We can help you evaluate your workplace’s printing practices and find areas for improvement. We can also show you how to eliminate security issues and streamline your processes.

Security Matters, Now More than Ever

There are many reasons why we prioritize security in all our document solutions - and why we recommend that you do the same. In the ‘old days’ one of the more obvious security risks surrounding printers was simply a matter of leaving confidential information in the printer tray unattended. 

Now, modern printers connected to the internet are left open to the possibility of network breaches and unauthorized users accessing printers, administrative settings, and highly sensitive materials that are insecurely stored. We can assess your individual needs, develop a comprehensive security plan for your entire fleet of printers, and ensure that only those given access receive access. We also provide ongoing security assessments to stay on top of any network defense weaknesses that could place your sensitive data at risk. 

Security + Workflows = Ready for Whatever Comes Your Way

We take a holistic approach to both printer security and workflows. What does that mean for your business? Automated workflows create simplified workdays for every department in your organization. We can customize the workflows you need to ensure that documents for print route quickly - and only to the people they’re intended for. While we’re not quite past the use of paper in the office yet, strategic digitization of your data storage and workflow will free you up for whatever comes next.

Get Started with Managed Solutions


Our solutions for Content Management and Forms Automation allow you to capture, route and store documents with outstanding efficiency. We can also help you improve your supply chain and keep track of items better.

Digital Transformation Made Simple

Free up your teams by eliminating redundancies and repetitive processes, and be confident knowing that you can rely on regular digital document transfer, retention, and destruction schedules that fit the compliance standards of your industry. Converting your documents to digitally managed files ensures that you are ready for the future. From backing up data to protect your business from would-be disasters to facilitating ease of transfer or integration with other systems, digital allows you to scale up while eliminating unnecessary paper use. 

Create Best Practices & Smart Backup

Just like paper files, there’s a method to our content management solutions, and we want to be sure that you optimize your efforts to go fully digital. We’ll be there all along the way, creating digital filing practices that adhere to best practices and then implementing them in a way that makes the most sense for your business. Organize and back up your most important data from multiple sources - all easily searchable in one single, secure off-site locale. 

Speaking of multiple sources, form creation often involves pulling on data from multiple sources - ideally, quickly and with 100% accuracy. That’s where we can step in. With form automation services, we customize your forms process so that it’s easily integrated with your enterprise resource planning system of choice. Pro-designed templates, dynamic script editing, automatic data entry, data pulling, and reliable tracking and identification via RFID encoding can all be seamlessly automated and encoded into your forms processes. 

All of this frees up the supply chain for greater efficiency while creating greater adherence to compliance regulations - allowing you to focus on offering the best service possible to your customers.

To discuss how our Document Solutions can improve your operations,